Is BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free) really what it appears?
Is a product safe?
Is food being sold before its “use by” date?
Is a sale price really as big a reduction as it claims?
Is the item you sell fit for its purpose?
Is the service you provide to recognised standards?
Is the product you sold to a 16 year old free from age restriction?
If not your business is likely to be investigated by TSOs (Trading Standards Officers).
The TSO will want to see all your records and ask you to explain what appears to be contraventions of Trading Standards legislation which is part of the criminal law. An interview is likely to be under caution, just as you see on the TV in Police dramas, and tape recorded. Your response is likely to influence whether or not you are taken to court and if so the final outcome; this could be a large fine or even imprisonment.
If you or your business are challenged by TSOs seek expert, professional advice as soon as the first communication is received.
We have been defending individuals and businesses for over 20 years, successfully arguing on many occasions that although there may have been breaches of the legislation, the individual or business has taken all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to seek to prevent contraventions of the relevant law ensuring a not guilty verdict is returned.
We also seek to persuade the TSOs not to proceed with the proposed prosecution or, if appropriate, to accept an alternative resolution such as a formal warning (Caution) trying to avoid potential expensive court proceedings and adverse publicity for your business.
Do not hesitate to call us whenever you become aware of a potential Trading Standards problem – your peace of mind will cost you less that you think!